With Sensitivity and Light
Hi I’m Andre - curandero; traditional healer
Todos Curanderos is a collective dedicated to healing and the arts, with a foundation rooted in traditional Amazonian culture. Our origins can be traced back to 2005, when we embarked on a journey to the Amazon to produce a film addressing the ecological degradation and related impacts on indigenous communities. During this expedition, we had the privilege of meeting Maestro Juan Flores Salazar, a renowned curandero from the Ashaninca tribe. The Maestro's work had been previously highlighted in the anthropological writings of Jeremy Narby and featured on the cover of National Geographic magazine.
Following a month-long stay with Maestro Flores in 2005, it was mutually agreed that he would embark on a journey to Canada the following year. During his inaugural visit to Canada, Todos Curanderos arranged a series of meetings between the Maestro and native healers and elders from local Canadian indigenous tribes. This initial visit proved to be a resounding success, leading to several subsequent invitations to return to Canada over the following years.
In 2014, Maestro Flores visited Canada for the fifth and final time. Together, we screened our film, Tonkiri, which translates to hummingbird in Ashanincan. This documentary chronicles ten-years of the Maestro’s work and travels. It is viewable on our Music & Art page.
Following the launch of the film, our focus shifted primarily to the work of "Curanderismo," or traditional Amazonian healing methods. Over the past decade, we have journeyed worldwide, offering our healing services to communities ranging from California to Eastern Europe. Our clientele encompasses a diverse range of backgrounds, including world-class athletes, Silicon Valley founders, as well as everyday working mothers and fathers.
Simultaneously, we have continued to record and share our ceremonial music, now averaging 10,000 monthly listeners on Spotify alone. Our music can be accessed via the Music & Art page.